Vi havde en enkelt aften og overnatning i Quito. Vi brugte dagen paa at handle lidt ind til mad, som vi selv skulle lave, paa Galapagosoerne. Om aftenen var vi inviteret til en lille BBQ, hvor vi ogsaa fik et par drinks, og om aftenen tog vi saa i byen. Jeg maatte desvaerre blive hjemme, da jeg havde en voldsom hovedpine.
Morgenen efter, havde jeg det meget bedre, og vi tog med bussen til lufthavnen. Flyet var et par timer forsinket, saa den anden gruppe (gruppe B) der skulle have floejet efter os, kom afsted foer os.
Men vi kom endelig ombord, mellemlandede kort i Guayaquil, og ankom derefter til Galapagos!
Oen vi var landet paa, havde ikke rigtigt andet end lufthavnen, saa vi skulle foerst med bus, og derefter ombord paa en lille baad der kunne sejle os de 200 meter til oeen lige ved siden af.
Vi blev koert med bus til en lille by, hvor vi bor hos nogle forskellige familier, selvom vi naesten har vores egen lille lejlighed. Jeg bor med Mohammed, og lige ved siden af bor Mathias og Christian sammen. Vi har eget wc, koekken og bad. Om aftenen saa vi en film.
Efter en god lang nattesoevn (en tidszone hoejere end Ecuador) skulle vi i gang med det frivillige arbejde! Vi blev hentet klokken 8:00 og koert til nogle drivhuse hvor vi skulle hjaelpe med at vande, passe og stabilisere nogle planter, der senere skal plantes ud i naturen, for at genoprette nogle omraader.
Da vi havde hjulpet der i et stykket tid, fik vi oeje paa nogle en stor skilpade i narheden. Vi brugte det sidste stykke tid paa at finde flere, og observere dem.
Fra programmet:
"09th of NOVEMBER 2011:
Today you’ll return to Quito where you will stay in Home hostel. Get used to the height again, write mails to friends and family or buy some souvenirs for those back home! At 16.00 o’clock you will have an evaluation meeting at Ecole. Tonight there is a goodbye party. With your group you decide what to do!"
Today you’ll return to Quito where you will stay in Home hostel. Get used to the height again, write mails to friends and family or buy some souvenirs for those back home! At 16.00 o’clock you will have an evaluation meeting at Ecole. Tonight there is a goodbye party. With your group you decide what to do!"
"10th of NOVEMBER 2011:
When you chose to do a volunteer project you will start today, the transfers to the airport will be arranged by us. The people who are flying back home will be brought to the airport as well.
For the people who do volunteer work (on the Galápagos or on the mainland), we have arranged one night in Home hostel the day the volunteer work finishes.. We have arranged a pick-up from Home hostel to the airport for your flight back home.
Please remind that at the airport of Quito you need to pay a departure tax of $40,80 (only cash) after checking-in if you bought your ticket before the 12th of February 2011."
When you chose to do a volunteer project you will start today, the transfers to the airport will be arranged by us. The people who are flying back home will be brought to the airport as well.
For the people who do volunteer work (on the Galápagos or on the mainland), we have arranged one night in Home hostel the day the volunteer work finishes.. We have arranged a pick-up from Home hostel to the airport for your flight back home.
Please remind that at the airport of Quito you need to pay a departure tax of $40,80 (only cash) after checking-in if you bought your ticket before the 12th of February 2011."
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